Announcing the new MFA in Media Arts and Culture at Purchase College

The School of Film & Media Studies at Purchase College, State University of New York, would like to announce the fall 2018 launch of our new interdisciplinary MFA in media arts and culture.

Students work collaboratively and individually under the guidance of faculty members who are leaders in the New York City media arts communities.

This program offers partnerships with organizations and galleries in NYC and the greater New York area, and provides resources to create media art that is rigorously theorized, historically reflective, and socially engaged – responding to the most urgent social, political and cultural issues of our times.

The new MFA program is ideal for graduates of fine arts, film, cinema & media studies, media arts and/or related programs. Our curriculum regards art as a critical inquiry and explores emerging technologies as media for creative expression.

Courses span time-based media, internet and network-based art, expanded photography, computational art, media installation, physical computing, data visualization, research-based art, new documentary and other modes of contemporary practice.

We are currently accepting applications for our first cohort starting in the fall of 2018. Application info can be found at

Application deadline: February 1, 2018 

For further info, contact Michelle Stewart at