Portland summer documentary film program: Media Institute for Social Change


Each summer, the Media Institute for Social Change hosts a group of college-level students in Portland, Oregon for a seven week long course in radio and video storytelling. The program prepares each aspiring maker with an arsenal of tools to produce social impact media about civic issues. Inviting media professionals from OPB, Bitch Media, The Moth, XRAY.FM, KBOO, and others to instruct classes, this is a truly unique program that encourages professional development and empowers students to produce original work. No previous production skills are necessary.

Do you know a student who is dedicated to social or environmental justice issues and wants to make an impact by learning radio, video, and storytelling production skills? Share this email, learn more about the Summer Documentary Program at mediamakingchange.org/sdp, and email rose@mediamakingchange.org for questions. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until Friday, April 7th at mediamakingchange.org/application.