Summer Opportunity at MONO NO AWARE

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MONO NO AWARE, is a Brooklyn based cinema-arts non-profit organization established in 2007, that runs a strong educational initiative in traditional film making and the photo-chemical arts. The organization hosts monthly screenings, workshops, imports and distributes film stock, rents camera equipment, and presents special events throughout the city.  For the last 11 years MONO has organized a exhibition of expanded cinema, installation and sculpture that incorporates the moving image and in 2015 we were gifted the equipment needed to open the nations first 501c3 motion picture laboratory with linear processing services, digital scanning, cleaning, optical and contact printing.

MONO NO AWARE is hosting a FREE WORKSHOP developing all formats of B/W film using a non-toxic developer synthesized from the original caffenol recipe created by Dr. Scott Williams at RIT in the mid-90s.  Joining a community and meeting other filmmakers is an important part of building a network for professional practices, we welcome any of your students who would like to attend and express interest in becoming more involved.  In years past we’ve had students from UPenn, Brown, Hampshire, NYU, Cooper Union and Pratt participate.

Throughout the summer MONO will be offering a wide variety of workshops on everything from hand-made emulsion to traditional 2-D cut-out animation, all shot on film.  These are affordable accessible offerings that can be a compliment to their formal studies, or further exploration into a specific practice.  We’ll also be offering a 35mm workshop and a special field trip / hike and shoot upstate with filmmakers Fern Silva and Ryan Marino, both former NYFF presenting filmmakers.

We’d love it if you could share the opportunity for work-studies and the unique educational offerings throughout the department, bulletin boards and on any listserv’s that reach out to current students and alumni.

*FREE* BYO-B&W Mixer and Non-Toxic Processing Workshop on Sunday April 23rd, 6-10pm.

Super 16mm Workflow: Camera Neg to Positive Print May 6th through June 24th
Super-8mm Filmmaking on Mondays, 7-9:15pm
Intro to 16mm on B/W Reversal on Wednesdays, 7-9:15pm
Color Photograms on 16mm Film on Sunday May 28th 10am-4pm

Beachside Cinema Retreat
 from Friday May 12th through Sunday May 14th in Shelter Island, NY
16mm Color Adventure Hike Upstate on May 21st 9am-7pm

Intro to 35mm Filmmaking on Friday June 30th through Sunday July 2nd
Intro to 16mm on B/W Reversal on Thursdays, 7-9:15pm
Intro to 16mm on Color Negative on Wednesdays, 7-9:15pm
2-D Animation: Cutout Technique on Tuesdays, 7-9:15pm
Hand Processing with B/W Reversal on Sunday June 24th 10am-4pm
Make Your Own Film Stock: Emulsion 101 on Sunday June 4th and 11th from 10am-4pm